Thursday, February 7

Still on the phone!

Ok, its Thursday and I have had calls every day this week form my old job. They mostly start the call off with "I know I shouldn't call you, but..." I don't mind too much and it's just info they want.

Still, I am curious to see how long before I get a whole day without any calls from them.

Ok, so you keep up with Jason"s Blog and you know he is sick. Well he kindly shared it with me! Now I am sick and Sheila is sick. We are popping vitamins lick TicTac's, downing plenty of Airborne and capping it all of with some Nyquil. Sheila seems to feel worse but I still have time to catch up with her. So jump over to his blog and tell him if he is sick, we can do a conference call or group chat staff meeting!

I gotta run, yeap I'm headed over to his house to see if he has any more germ's he can give me!!!


Anonymous said...

And now your going to share it w/ us all at Small Group tonight!


Anonymous said...

Germs are fun!! I'll share mine if you'd like

-any one of us in the Strickland house

Hope you feel better man. Tell Sheila Jason can't afford for her to be sick. LoL!