Friday, November 2

Little more time

I have been prying a little more "Claude Time" out of my week here lately. I have been getting a lot of stuff done, I worked on the truck, helped a friend with his 67 Mustang and got started on the children's church install stuff. It all sounds like work but to me this stuff is relaxing (when NOT rushed). I even got a little time to just lay out on the swing. It was nice out and the clouds were refreashing to see:

anyway, just keep this between us, if Jason finds out he will either give me more to do or want to come play. So lets keep this on the down low.

Ok, Change of subject: Since I posted the sky, I was reminded of the other night at Youth Group, someone called us outside to see something and everyone ran out there. We were greeted by such an awesome sky that I had to take a picture of it. Disclaimer: [Not for me...I am a MAN and don't get into "pretty sky's and stuff" and things in general just arnt "pretty"] but I took it for you, my fans who just may not be as manly as I am, and just may find stuff pretty.

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