Friday, March 6

Saving the Titanic

A short story: 2100 People from point A going to point B
A complicated story: 1250 People from point A never make it to point B

What sank the titanic? Was it her speed after the final broilers were brought online?
Was it her lack of turning radius?
Was it the size of the iceberg?
Lack of proper radio communications?
I venture to say it was simply: the timing. The ship could turn, and did, too late. The ship was designed to do exactly what it did. It was well aware of the hazards of ice. 
So it wasn't a malfunction and it wasn't the unknown. 
It was the time they started the turn that sank them or it could be said: the amount of time the ship did NOT turn.

We know our crisis: obesity, illiteracy, crime, poor choices and we more than know how to avoid them. Then why, as a culture do we wait till it is upon us to react.
It is believed that a mere 30 seconds sooner and the titanic would have been spared the icy depths.
30 seconds! 
We respond in the 30 seconds (or when the crisis is upon us) when what would it have looked like if we had 3 minutes, 3 hours, 3 days, 3 years sooner?
30 seconds sank the Titanic after extreme panic and efforts to save her. 60 seconds would have resulted in the exact same maneuvers and panic of operators but saved the ship (this is also where we respond) but why don't we start a dock? When mapping out the course? that is exactly what the Boys & Girls Club is doing. We know the crisis and we know the results of subtle maneuvers and how they don't just save lives, they avoid the whole panic mode by avoiding the problem years in advance. 

If Titanic would have left port with just 1/4” of a variance in her course, she would have missed the iceberg by miles. We are not looking for collisions or even near misses, we are looking for a clear path to a successful future and that is accomplished by knowing the obstacles, knowing our capabilities and reacting in the proper time: when setting the course.

This is the simple effect of a well placed encouragement, a recognized achievement, help with homework and a pat on the back for doing the right thing. These little gestures result in slight course changes that save lives. I still remember, and feed off of, the encouragement I received as a child. It fueled future behavior and some of these course changes have guided me past what could have been a crisis but instead was an amazing view off the port side.

One kid at a time, we can…and do avoid crisis.

Just my thoughts.

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